Hebrew Academy International, an initiative of The Great Awakening International, is an institution of learning and training that equips serious seekers and leaders for service in the world.
The Hebrew Academy International has created innovative and creative learning strategies and educational services based on the philosophy of:
“The Hebrew Academy International – an institution creating new courses for better Hebrew education worldwide – creating innovative Hebraic courses of learning that contribute to the spiritual health and advancement of the Hebrew Community around the world.”
We aim to be a learning institution that continues to be trusted by the Hebraic Community by contributing to the education of the richer and healthier lives of the Greater Hebrew Community around the world.
Hebrew Academy Internatinal is a degreed program and a seminar institution designed to provide formal Hebrew heritage, biblical teachings, formal Hebraic education, and ministry training through an advanced and accelerated curriculum that educates seekers of the truth to the proper understanding of the scriptures and prepares for them for ministry in their context. Hebrew Academy International is dedicated to the awakening and gathering of the dispersed of Israel in Diaspora, according to the Scriptures.
Hebrew Academy International exists to achieve the following purposes:
- To wake-up “Black America” and the dispersed of Israel to their true identity as Hebrews of the Scriptures
- To expose the truth of the proper historical context and doctrine Scriptures to all races, colors, and ethnicities, spreading the full truth of the gospel.
- To assist believers in rediscovering the Hebrew roots of the Faith through the teaching and instruction of biblical truths.
- To provide resources for those that want to combat the lies that has been forced on the Christian Church through a false Eurocentric dogma and Teutonic language of the scriptures.
- To build a culturally diverse community of learning
- To offer formal education and training that explores the contributions, genealogy, history, and prophecies concerning black people in the Bible and the many African nations played an integral part in the history and development of Israel as a nation.
- To train and equip emergent leaders who embrace the Hebrew Faith for the work of the ministry.
- To advance biblical, theological and ministry knowledge and skills.
- To nurture theological, spiritual and leadership formation.
- To enhance the cultural and generation-specific relevance of ministry practice
- To encourage life-long development and synergetic learning to current and future leaders.
- To provide doctrinally sound, ministry-specific training and resources to leaders